Empowering communities and vulnerable groups to build and enhance their economic livelihoods and their social dignity is critical to eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable development. We, therefore collaborate with our clients including government institutions, and civil society organizations to undertake interventions and support projects that empower and enhance the socio-economic development of communities
Socio-economic empowerment and analysis
Socio-economic development is the process of social and economic advancement of society measured as improvement in GDP, life expectancy, literacy, and levels of employment; enhanced personal dignity, freedom of association, personal safety and freedom from fear of physical harm, and the extent of participation in civil society. We collaborate with our partners to help transform society through socio-economic empowerment projects.
Project Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation
Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve specific project objectives. We deploy advanced tools and techniques to design and implement monitoring and evaluation systems for projects and organizations including but not limited to baselines, midterm evaluations, and end-of-project evaluation
Policy Analysis and Research
We specialize in conducting research on, or analysis of, a fundamental social problem in order to provide policymakers with pragmatic, action-oriented recommendations for alleviating the problem. We also analyze better approaches to achieving more sustained and impactful developmental outcomes for society.